Bush won by gay-bashing?

Posted by Harcamone

Yeah, sure. OK. But I don’t know if I believe that as much, and as absolutely, as Andrew Sullivan and his readers believe it. Still, the sense one gets about this tactic is very disturbing. It’s wrong, and I don’t want to be part of it. Not only do I not want to be part of it in a passive sense, I want to stand and act in opposition to this horrible mentality. In fact I do stand against it. I am a good influence in my little world, which includes a number of people who are the sort of Christians Andrew is so fearful of. It takes a bit of subtlety and skill, and an easy-going nature, and rather long arms, to engage and embrace a person who believes that the Bible is God’s template for humanity. Can Andrew do this? I wonder.

As much as homo-hating is deeply wrong — and even more wrong when used to get votes for the president of the United States — I believe that the radical homosexual campaign to appropriate the word “marriage” is wrong; wrong not in a moral sense, but in the political sense. Proponents of the invidious anti-gay marriage amendments refer to the “re-definition” of marriage. And yes, damnit, they are right. In the common-sense way of understanding everyday English as spoken by the vast majority of people, to say that marriage refers to two men or two women is to redefine it. Let’s not be disingenuous.

I believe this particular battle of the larger cultural war was unncessary, provocative and polarizing, and painted a big, bright target on the forehead of the “gay movement.” No one has been more vociferous in support of it than our pal Andrew Sullivan. What a wonderfully smart man he is, and what an uncompromising fanatic he becomes when the subject of “gay marriage” is raised. One could speculate that if the radical queers had not been so nuts about getting M-word-married, and if a few contemptuous judge-morons had not ruled as they did, the religious conservatives would not have felt the need to circle their wagons with these hideous amendments.

I feel terrible, and sad, when I read the letters on Andrew’s site — poor little gay boys in tears because society hates them. No, society does not necessarily hate them. Damn Andrew for equating gay-marriage-opposition to hatred of queers, thus helping to create a kind of gay hysteria.

Andrew might be surprised by the number of people who could eventually be persuaded that homosexual legal bonding is a good thing; that it’s good for loving homosexual couples to be bonded and faithful, to have a home and a cooperative life, to have mutual assets and other things to take care of; good that all committed couples’ bonds should be recognized in some kind of legal fact and granted the normative domestic rights.

But the radical queers couldn’t be bothered to figure out creative ways to accomplish these goals, perhaps even strategizing gradual long-term gains. Nooooo, they had to give the finger to the conservative Christians. They had to push the grapefruit in their faces.

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