The Keystone Kops

It all looks like a train wreck to me, this Democratic government monopoly. The stimulus bill, the worst patronage handout since the administration of James Buchanan. Every union and Democratic contributor got their payoff. Then came the global warming bill, another payoff to Democratic interest groups, at the expense of everybody. Now comes the huge omnibus health care, top to bottom redesign, which will conservatively cost over a trillion dollars more than we are spending now, and put our health, and everything related to our health (which is of course everything), under the control of the Federal government.

I am astounded. I really thought, even though I didn’t vote for him, that Obama was a smart guy and he would want to be remembered as a good President, and he wouldn’t do anything terrible. But he and Nancy Pelosi and the “progressive” caucus are doing, or attempting to do, terrible things.

It is very hard to undo stupid Federal programs. The Congressional elections are over a year away. There just aren’t enough Senate seats at risk to make a real difference in the Senate, but I predict there will be a Democratic blood bath in the House.

In the meantime, it feels like the Keystone Kops are running the country. I wish the Federal Government were something that could be adequately administered by the Keystone Kops, but unfortunately that is not currently the case. Given the state of the world, it is unlikely to be the case in the foreseeable future.

However the Kops could be relieved of some of their responsibilities if the Federal Government would just quit feeling the need, nay the compulsion, to make all of our decisions for us about:

  • automobile designs
  • real estate mortgage terms
  • what drugs baseball players ingest
  • who gets what health care for how much
  • whether or not we should drill for oil
  • what is good art and what is bad art
  • how our children should be educated
  • how much wealth we should be allowed to have
  • what drugs anybody ingests
  • who marries whom

I could make a longer list, but do I really care? Do I sign petitions or go to tea parties or write letters to the editor? None of the above. I don’t need any more spam email than I’m already getting. An alarming percentage of the people who attend demonstrations, regardless of political affiliation, left or right, are nuts. I have this blog. I say whatever I want that won’t get me into too much trouble. Nobody reads it except a few friends and relatives, and ex-friends.

Other than that I only indulge in worrying about what those guys are up to in Washington as a hobby, an escape, to avoid thinking about whatever I should really be thinking about, or doing something about. I’m powerless. I admit it. It’s OK. That is how it has always been. And I am fully cognizant that as an American, happily married, small business, Mac software entrepreneur, I am freer and luckier and richer than 99.9% of the people who have ever lived. And I’m happy about that. I have no complaints. God bless America.

I’m just telling you, whoever you are, these Democrats in Washington are clowns, Obama included. I know the Republicans aren’t much better, but they’re some better. I understand how we got here, the urge to throw the bums out. I know it hasn’t been very long, but it’s time to throw the bums out again already.

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1 Response to The Keystone Kops

  1. Bob says:

    I like this and agree with most of it except for the claim that one party is less clownish than the other. No evidence at all for that claim, as George Wallace once said in his unforgettable way.

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