reply to my son-in-law

Tis true, alas, that the big tent two party system requires one to swallow bitter pills, no matter which side you’re on. For example, Michael Moore, a man honored by the Democratic Party, given a seat at the convention next to Jimmy Carter, praised by Terry McAuliffe, the DNC head, has this to say, “The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not “insurgents” or “terrorists” or “The Enemy.” They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow — and they will win.” I’m sure not all Democrats share Michael Moore’s allegiance to the jihadists, but if you’re gonna be a Democrat, then you are perforce associated with it.

So you pays your nickel, you takes your chances. I agree with you about the stupid, reactionary anti-gay constitutional amendment, and George Bush’s stupid, reactionary support for it. I don’t think that it’s even politically smart. But it’s a bitter pill I am prepared to swallow because, 1) It has no chance of actually passing, and 2) the war is more important.

The greatness of America is largely the result of the painful evolution of a culture in which we have deep disagreements with each other, but are content to address them with persuasion and the vote, rather than violence. I am uncomfortable with the overheated, hate-filled rhetoric we are seeing, most of which is directed at George Bush, but it’s no worse than what that baboon Abraham Lincoln had to endure.

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