The End Game

Obviously the collapse of the evil American empire is going more slowly than I expected. I’ve been betting on it, off and on, for 60 years and it has not happened. Recently I opted out of the stock market because of my expectations of imminent collapse and it has so far cost me a quarter of a million dollars. I still think it is inevitable, but I have to admit to grossly underestimating the timeline.

In spite of our crumbling infrastructure, ever-widening gap between the rich and poor, decline of the middle class, the decay of our military, the massive corruption of government at every level, we are still the richest country in the world. We are still protected from invasion by two oceans and a military that is, if not the most powerful in the world anymore, still pretty powerful. We still have lots of nukes. The dollar is still the world’s reserve currency.

As Adam Smith said, “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” In fact, if we gave up the psychopathic dream of world domination, the insane belief that any country that disobeys us is a mortal enemy, if we applied to join BRICS, and quit supplying Ukraine and Israel with weapons, and took our rightful place in the community of nations, we could avoid the inevitable, but that, I fear, is not in the cards. The military industrial complex does not care about the United States of America or its people, and they are in charge.

Pray for some kind of revolution. Hopefully one that doesn’t involve killing people.

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