The nutroots are angry, but I am quite pleased and relieved, that, so far, President-Elect Barack Obama has implied, by his appointments and actions (Hillary, Lieberman, Bob Gates, Jim Jones, etc.), that George W. Bush has been pretty much right about everything all along.
President Obama will be implementing the Bush policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, most likely, vis-à-vis Iran and North Korea and Russia and everywhere else. Of course he will. He’s not crazy or stupid.
He will also be following pretty much the exact same policies vis-à-vis the cosmic financial meltdown as Bush appointees Henry Poulson and Ben Bernanke. There will be no repealing of the Bush tax cuts.
There will of course be “change”. One thing that will certainly change is the reflexive judgment by the media, Hollywood, academia, and yuppies everywhere, that everything that goes wrong in the world is necessarily George W. Bush’s fault.
The ex-President will be out of harm’s way, back on the ranch in Crawford. Obviously none of the world’s woes could now, or ever, be Barack Obama’s fault.
So whose fault will it be, when the world continues to experience global Islamic jihad, global economic melt-down, and global disdain for the United States of America?
Could it be? Satan!?
George is moving to Dallas, not Crawford, to pursue a life of leisure among folks he’s going to entertain telling about all the cool things he did while in power…Meanwhile, fear will dominate the world, as you say, because people, although social creatures, do not want to be socialized creatures and they will remain stupid for the indeterminate future…I just heard this show on Science Friday on NPR about how ants are social creatures and then they draw comparisons to humans and state that xenophobia is probably a good trait of humans, because otherwise not rooting for one football team over the other would cause complete bedlam and boredom…haha
That’s it…it’s all settled then…nothing to do now but sit back, relax and let the chips fall as they may…