Born Again

When I used to hear people talk about being born again or receiving Jesus into their heart as their personal saviour, I was skeptical. I dug Jesus. I was a fan. But I had never had any such experience as being “born again”, and I suspected that it was just something people said, a way of expressing their enthusiasm for Jesus.

Then it happened to me. I started attending church and was baptized on Easter 2019. The Holy Spirit became my companion. As long as I continued to listen and follow His guidance, He stayed with me, cleaning my soul, strengthening me, increasing my understanding. I became a new man. I was reborn.

It’s real! Jesus Christ truly is the way, the truth, and the life! I wanted everyone to know the good news. But not everyone wants to hear it. The good news is amazingly unwelcome. At church I am surrounded by people who are continually becoming smarter, kinder, less and less selfish, but out here in the world the name of Jesus, as often as not, just pisses people off. Same as it ever was.

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