We’re not in the Overton Window Anymore Dorothy

I used to not like the way political reporting and discourse was constrained within what was at the time a very narrow Overton window. Now I’m not so sure that the sizable expansion of those limits that has occurred, especially of late, is an unalloyed good.

Now we are seeing the reality of what the right and the left really think, or at least a lot more of the reality than before. And it’s not pretty. It doesn’t look resolvable. When human conflicts become unresolvable, that’s when you have war.

Support for President Trump, for example, often means loss of friends, alienation of family, loss of employment, social ostracism, and a damaged professional reputation. Support for Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or Maxine Waters entails no such risk. They are still safely within the confines of the Overton window as defined by the media. it is the President who has stepped outside of it.

Trump supporters are not considered to be fully human by the left. They are ignorant bigots at best, and evil Nazis when you really get down to it. I don’t think this perception is going to change, even if Trump creates peace on earth and prosperity for all. Whatever good thing Trump does never seems to have any effect whatsoever on the degree of hatred directed on him.

If this November there is at least some kind of blue wave, that might calm things down a bit, but if, by some chance, the Republicans actually gain instead of lose, I fear for the collective sanity. The Resistance will lose its mind completely because they will finally see that the entire country is a nest of unrepentant racist sub-human beasts. Typically, that’s when the guerrillas head for the hills.

Of course they would have to buy guns first.

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