The Coup

Back when I loved Bill Clinton, I thought that the whole Whitewater/Monica/impeachment drama was a despicable political witch hunt. Now that I know Bill Clinton to be a scumbag, I still feel the same way about that disgraceful political episode.

But at least Bill Clinton didn’t have the top levels of the CIA and FBI and DOJ and the White House conspiring against him to prevent his election and, after he was elected, to somehow get him removed from office.

I realize that most of the few readers of this post will not believe that this happened and is still happening. I suppose it’s possible y’all may be right. There is much more to come. The IG report isn’t even out yet. But for a bettin’ man, it looks like the odds are lining up in favor of what comes very close to being a coup attempt. Instead of a military coup, an intelligence coup.

It is probably the case that these people, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, (and more) are all patriots who saw their beloved country about to be taken over by a monster who would destroy America and the world.

I’m sure they do think this. They have many allies in the mainstream media who also believe this. The faculty of the universities believe this. So does the artist/entertainment community.

You know who doesn’t believe it? The majority of the people in this country who live outside of California. This coup is an attempt to overthrow them.

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