It’s hard to dodge the temptation of schadenfreude these days, what with Obama’s unfortunate cameo at the Copenhagen Clown Convention, and the bi-partisan popular disgust at the secret, middle of the night, Democratic health care “reform” monstrosity. Not to mention moving Guantanamo to Illinois, and Khalid Sheik Mohammed to New York, the exploding deficits, the bowing and apologizing, the dithering, the non-transparency, the ram-it-through partisanship. Obama lied, people cried.
The epithet of “worst President ever” so recently, so angrily, so mistakenly applied to George W. Bush (a majority of Americans now believe that the war in Iraq has been a success. Duh.), is being resurrected, and this time it might stick, to President Barack Obama.
It may be too early for a conclusion, but surely not for a prediction. I hereby predict that Barack H. Obama will end up in the running for “Worst President Ever”, along with Jimmy Carter, and that George W. Bush will not.