Confessions of a Racist

I am initially somewhat prejudiced against extremely obese people, until I get to know them. I like beautiful women more than homely women, until I know them better. I get bored with people who are a lot stupider than I am, unless they exhibit some other engaging quality.

Variations in skin color don’t bother me. However, if I see a black male youth wearing a hoodie, his pants pube high, listening to gangsta rap, I assume, not the worst, but an increased probability of the worst.

I often enjoy the company of, and have respect and affection for homosexual men, but I do admit to harboring an aversion to the gay lifestyle and gay politics in general, and I don’t think that homosexual marriage is identical to heterosexual marriage.

I am proud of my Anglo-Saxon heritage. I think the Anglo-Saxons, Germanic-Norman-Celtic (and God knows what else) mongrels though they are, are the best in, not all, but many ways, culturally that is.

I don’t have a problem with Barack Obama because he is half African. If anything, that’s a plus in my book. I think that, generally speaking, Obama is favored with more slack than hate by being black, certainly from me. I therefore take extreme umbrage at the poisonous imputations of people like Jimmy Carter and Al Sharpton and various New York Times columnists that, to quote Jimmy, “…an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man…”.

I have intense animosity toward Barack Obama. I did not have it at first, even though he was already part black. It has gradually accrued. I wanted, still do, to like the guy. He is very likable. He is also a more facile liar than even Bill Clinton. I don’t know when we have ever had a President who was better at it. Pretty much everything he has ever said about taxes, health care, Iraq, ACORN, Reverend Wright, the Federal budget, Bill Ayers, transparency, the auto bailout, the stimulus, has been a lie.

I want to believe him, but I just know too much. I do not believe that his facility is a general characteristic of African people. It could just as easily be his white side that enables him to be so good at it. It may not be, probably isn’t, genetic at all.

So I admit it. I am a member of that threatened species, Republicans. Therefore I am, ipso facto, a racist and a homophobe, and I accept that. It’s not my fault. I need help. I would be most grateful for a government grant or program of some kind. I have, for example, some great ideas for Obama-supportive art projects that might be of interest to the National Endowment for the Arts.

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1 Response to Confessions of a Racist

  1. Rico says:

    I try not to show my prejudices…do you think what we do while we’re here on this planet really matters that much in the scheme of things?

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