Obama’s Czars

Green Jobs Czar – Van Jones – Communist, calls Republicans assholes (the feeling is mutual, buddy!), truther who believes that Bush and Cheney were complicit in 9/11, says environmentalism is the way to end capitalism.

Science Czar – John Holdren – advocated compulsory abortions and sterilization to prevent the population bomb, advocated “de-development” of our economic system.

Regulatory Czar (and “dear friend”) – Cass R. Sunstein – called for banning hunting in the U.S., suggested that animals ought to be able to bring suit, put forth the idea of the government requiring internet sites to link to opposing views (Whoaa! Glad that didn’t happen).

Now, of course there are many more Obama czars who are respectable people with great resumes and no history of wackoism, people like Richard Holbrooke, Dennis Ross, and George Mitchell. One may not entirely agree with these people, but there is no echo of Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers or Bernadine Dohrn there.

The assumption during the election was, for most, that Ayers and Wright (the Obamas sat in that church for twenty years) and PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi were just useful people in Obama’s cynical rise to power, that there was no real ideological fraternity there. But when one looks at these three “czars”, doubt creeps in. Obama must have known this stuff before they were appointed. Nobody’s vetting process is that bad. You could, even then, find all of this stuff out by typing the names into Google.

So, I’m beginning, just beginning, to worry that maybe my worst fears might be realized, and Barack Obama actually is the radical, Alinsky acolyte that the talk show right says he is. That he is an anti-capitalist, radical, community organizer who sees the U.S. as an imperialist force for evil in the world. And he is on a crusade to overthrow the existing order.

Of course this is crazy talk, this is Glenn Beck, Michael Savage talk. But, just because they’re crazy, or crazy like foxes, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t right about Obama. The National Enquirer was right about John Edwards. Joe McCarthy wasn’t wrong about everything! The jury is still out, but they haven’t ordered pizza in awhile, and they’re putting their jackets back on.

It probably isn’t true. I mean, how could it be? it’s just too weird.

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