The Glorious Future

Forget the President’s crafty mantra about reducing taxes for 95% of the people. President Obama’s own figures predict doubling the national debt. Tripling is more realistic, according to the OMB. I conservatively predict quadrupling myself.

This debt will be paid, one way or another. By somebody. This means doubling, tripling, or quadrupling taxes, not just on the rich, but on everybody, even the current 40% who do not pay any federal income taxes whatsoever, only social security and medicare payroll taxes. It will be paid, either by increased taxes, or by devaluing the dollar to wheelbarrow levels, or some combination thereof.

Obama is not stupid. He understands this. His plan is to provide the benefits, and then somebody else, someday, will perforce institute the taxes. And we the people, the gun and religion-clinging people, will pay them happily because we love the new reality where our health care, retirement, education, housing, and subsistence are all paid for by the government.

I can dig it. There is nothing I would have, at one time, liked better than to only have to pay for pot and cheap wine, and to otherwise be free to hone my artistic talents.

I wonder who will choose to take risks and work their asses off to support the new reality with their taxes? God bless ’em, whoever they may be. I hope my grandchildren treat them with the proper gratitude and respect.

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1 Response to The Glorious Future

  1. Rico says:

    If you don’t know anything different you won’t mind…a soon to be important proverb of the future…

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