Smoot Hawley? Maybe so.

This is basically a free trade screed.

But I think it lays out the situation with quite a bit of clarity. I am an acolyte of the twice a day correctness of Pat Buchanan’s stopped clock. Close the borders, both economic and physical. As bad as it is here in the United States of America, it is much worse everywhere else. Free trade and open borders are in everyone’s interest but ours.

Of course, China will quit buying our debt, but that will happen soon in any case. We are going to have to default on our debt, as is everyone else, one way or another. Let’s just default on all debt owed to anyone outside the United States. One country, one currency, one Volk, one leader.

I am somewhat disengaged from the current debate about the Democrat’s economic fantasies. I don’t think that any of these current budgets or bail-outs or massive entitlements will have any substantial effect one way or another, except at the margins. There is nothing that Barack Obama or John McCain could have done to prevent the coming systemic financial collapse.

Time to hunker down and take care of our own. Thank God for the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. You still have to have a navy to mess with the USA.

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2 Responses to Smoot Hawley? Maybe so.

  1. Bob says:

    It’s impossible, of course, even if you could convince an American majority to do it, which is also impossible, but less impossible than your proposal eight years ago to quarantine the entire worldwide Nation of Islam. Your proposals are just as fantastic as ever, but they come now with little or no invective, a significant improvement. Hard to believe, though, how totally you have adopted the us-against-them view of earthly life, a neo-Social Dawinism. Even if the nationwide gated community you envision could be accomplished, can you imagine the fears that would instantly arise of subversives, spies, traitors, etc., and the intelligence and police apparatus that would be necessary to control them? It would all make a great movie.

  2. Rico says:

    It’s so much fun to be self/other…

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