The Bradley Effect

Now that racism has been redefined as criticism of Barack Obama, I imagine that a lot of people will lie and say they are voting for Obama, when asked by a stranger on the phone. I know I would, but they won’t call me because I don’t have a land line. It doesn’t mean you are a racist. It just means you don’t want to be called a racist. There’s no way I’m going to put up a McCain/Palin sign in the yard or a bumper sticker on the car, even if my wife would let me. Having an American flag out front is risky enough.

I don’t get this whole “racist tinge” mainstream media accusation against the McCain/Palin ads and statements. I can see how Al Gore bringing up the Willy Horton furlough in the 1988 Democratic primary debate, and the George H. W. Bush Horton television ad, could arguably be considered racist. Whoooo! Dukakis is going to let all the bad Negroes out of jail!

But Dukakis was white. You don’t have to make subtle appeals to racism to get racists to vote against Barack Obama. He’s a black guy! This is not a secret. If you are a racist, you don’t need a subtle remark from Sarah Palin to remind you that Barack Obama is black and that you don’t like black people. You already know this. You don’t require assistance.

White Republican racists were already going to vote for John McCain, because they’re Republicans, an endangered political species these days. Black racists were already going to vote for Obama, because they’re Democrats. 95% of black people are Democrats regardless. White people tortured by guilt over America’s racist history were already going to vote for Obama, because they’re all Democrats.

That only leaves white racist Democrats, who would otherwise have voted for the Democrat, if only he were white, but are now going to vote for McCain, and lie to pollsters about it. How many of those could there possibly be? Of course, now-a-days, the definition of a white racist Democrat, as established by the Obama campaign and the MSM, is anyone who voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

So if Obama loses, and it is decided by the media that the cause is racism, then the Democrats are to blame. How long will it take, dear Lord, for the Democratic Party to overcome its racist legacy!?

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1 Response to The Bradley Effect

  1. Andy says:

    Frankly I’d forgotten that Obama is black. Even though he doesn’t wear a keffiyeh in public, like Arafat, I was thinking he was sort of a medium well done white Muslim, like Alec Guinness in Lawrence of Arabia, with that typical Islamic gift of gab. You know, Arabian blarney, that you get from kissing the Kaaba Stone. Even if you haven’t actually been to Mecca to kiss it yet but just bow to it five times a day. Anyway, now that this guy who pals around with terrorists has so brazenly inserted himself into American poiltics, I suppose the whole question of the so-called Bradley effect is complicated by the probability that most people who are lying when they tell the pollsters they wouldn’t vote against a black candidate just because he’s black, because they don’t want to be called racist over the phone, would be unlikely to vote for a liberal Democrat of any coloration in the first place. A tricky question.

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