Maliki Endorses Obama

There has been some controversy about whether or not Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki’s remarks were accurately translated by Der Spiegel, remarks that seemed to affirm Obama’s 16 month timetable for withdrawing all but a residual force of American troops from Iraq. There were some missing caveats, having to do with the “facts on the ground”, which Obama has repeatedly deemed to be irrelevant, but I think the remarks were probably translated accurately enough.

Sixteen months probably is a realistic schedule for an American troop draw-down. Why? Because the war has been won. Thanks to the surge, victory has been achieved, the mission has been accomplished. Sorry for the delay.

Obviously, Prime Minister Maliki feels confident that his government is no longer seriously threatened by forces internal or external. Apparently, he would therefore rather negotiate with a weak Jimmy Carter-like American President, than with an intransigent neocon like McCain, who is passionate about the tremendous possible asset of an American presence in the heart of the Middle East, on the territory of an American ally.

This is all incredibly good news. It is ironic that the good news appears to redound to the benefit of Barack Obama, who opposed the surge and wanted all American troops out of Iraq by March 2008, an irresponsible strategy that would have guaranteed defeat, rather than victory.

This victory in Iraq is the centerpiece of my resignation about the future Presidency of Barack Obama. The war in Iraq is won. We are still paying for the Carter Presidency, but we survived it, and we will, hopefully and probably, survive the change we have been waiting for.

Now that the war in Iraq has been successfully concluded, there is only so much damage that the Democrats can do. Obama has proven that he is nothing if not pragmatic. Whether or not he has the courage of his convictions, whatever they are, remains to be seen.

I don’t make over $250,000 a year, so what do I care? Besides, Obama wants to invade Pakistan. I’m all for that.

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2 Responses to Maliki Endorses Obama

  1. Brandler says:

    Watch out for those “Obviously”s and “Apparently”s ….. b-)

  2. John Seward says:

    Well, those “obviouslys” and “apparentlys” are just my just opinions.

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