If You Don’t Get Even, You’re a Schmuck

Although I make a modest living in my one man software business, I am not what you would call a success in business, and certainly not in politics or war. And the reason, I believe, is that I did not understand how the real world works. Too sheltered. Too acid-enamored with the vision of the oneness of all things. Too far above, too superior to anyone who would say, as Donald Trump has said, “if you don’t get even, you’re a schmuck.”

If I have a regret, it is that I kept myself from using my abilities to gain a real foothold in the world. Thinking of oneself as a spiritual seeker who is above all that, typically involves a lot of self-delusion, as it certainly has in my case.

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2 Responses to If You Don’t Get Even, You’re a Schmuck

  1. Peter Whale says:

    Having run a small business and now retired I can empathise with you.I always looked at the welfare of my few staff and ideals as paramount to a successful company. Without that concern for our fellow colleagues the only reward would have been money. Having been retired for twenty years I know how self delusional, indulgent and small minded that mindset was. If I had competed against my fellow man with full aptitude and worked to full capacity I would have helped myself and others and the competition to achieve much more, as it is I am left with a sense of complacency and incompleteness.
    Go for it.

  2. nick says:

    Thank you Peter. Great comment.

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