The System is Rigged!

When you’re a kid, you live, if you’re lucky, as I was, under the most benovolent communism imaginable. All of your needs are provided for. The larger than life leaders love you, and you love them, at least until you’re a teenager. Then you go to college, paid for by that omniscient government of your life, your parents, or, more likely these days, you borrow the money from the real government.

Is it any wonder that there is a powerful communist tendency among young people? I certainly was a communist in my youth. I even joined a communist society, and gave it my all during my prime years.

Once a young person is dragged, kicking and screaming, into the real world where people pay you only if you create something of value that they are willing to pay for, a slow, incremental, political transformation begins to take place. When they marry and have children, and possibly, create a business of their own, this political transformation accelerates.

They become, dare I say it, Republicans.

But now Donald Trump has exposed the Republican Party to be just as big a fraud as the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is doing the same for the Democrats. Elizabeth Warren, who is so grievously wrong about so many things, is right, the system is rigged.

Now what? Bernie Sanders is a communist. Hillary Clinton is as corrupt and tied in to the rigged system as it is possible to be. Ted Cruz is, well what can I say, nobody likes Lyin’ Ted. That leaves the Donald. He might be a terrible President. He might be totally ineffectual, like Schwarzenegger in California. But that would still be better than the last eight years.

Give me government unable to do anything over progressive government every time. And it just might be possible that Mr. Trump could seal the borders, negotiate better trade deals, rethink the whole military strategy regarding NATO and the Middle East. It could happen.

It’s worth a shot.

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