Enough with the Iowa Caucus

I think Romney is toast. I watched JFK give his speech and answer questions from the Christers last night on CSPAN. What a contrast. Kennedy was civil and gracious, but very clear and very tough, and not yielding an inch to the long-winded bigotry he faced in Houston. Romney, on the other hand, pandered. As a member of the Christian Right myself, I appreciate his obeisance of course, but as a patriotic devotee of the Constitution, I find him seriously wanting. Of course Huckabee is even more disgusting with his TV ads declaring himself to be a “Christian leader”. What if he were running against Lieberman?

The real problem is that 40% of the minuscule segment of the Iowa population that attends the Republican caucuses, are fundamentalist Christians. Nowhere near that percentage of the overall Iowa population are fundamentalists. It makes no sense whatsoever for this tiny skewed group to have such a major impact on Presidential elections. Maybe they won’t anymore.

I attended my local Democratic caucus in Iowa in 1980, the year Carter won. I voted for Fred Harris. I didn’t even know what Jimmy Carter looked like, but the place was packed with Carter supporters.

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