Rightward Ho

I may be whistling in the dark, but it looks to me like this election has moved both parties to the right, except for the war. On all the other issues, immigration, affirmative action, gay marriage, gun control, government spending, etc., the Democrats took conservative positions in order to win, and the Republicans were repudiated for not being conservative enough. Here in Tennessee, it was amazing to watch Harold Ford Jr. turn into a Jesus-lovin’, gun-totin’, gay-bashin’ redneck, and it wasn’t even quite enough. Even on the war, the results are ambiguous. I think the majority opinion is still that we want to win, but it didn’t look like the Republicans were doing the job. Consensus on the war may have to wait for the next major terrorist attack on Western soil.

Pelosi, Reid, Conyers, Rangle, et. al., assuming the Dems take the Senate, had better be very careful about thinking they have just received a liberal mandate. This was not a vote for cut and run, higher taxes, more earmarks, partisan investigations, open borders, and more government regulation. The Democrats need to stay humble and content themselves with raising the minimum wage, and other such meaningless tomfoolery, unless, of course, they actually have some good ideas about Iraq that they’ve been holding back until after the election.

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