
As the son of a school teacher (English and Latin), I can’t help but wince at Governor Palin’s syntax. As a midwesterner, I can’t help but find her accent endearing. But that is all beside the point, I hope. I honestly don’t know if she would be a good President. Collectively, we (The U.S. voting population) are obviously not very good at Presidential prognostication. Witness Barry Obama.

Sarah Palin was a very good governor of the sparsely populated state of Alaska, until the liberal haters drove her out of office. She resigned for the good of Alaska. It is such a blessing when you get to do the right thing and further your own career at the same time.

I attended Kindergarten in Anchorage, before Alaska was a state, while my father was stationed there. We lived in a basement apartment owned by the slumlord of Anchorage, Wally Hickel. Mr. Hickel later served three terms as governor of Alaska, and was also NIxon’s Secretary of the Interior. Of course I am proud of the association.

Governor Palin gave a speech in Iowa recently. The theme was crony capitalism. It was the most honest, relevant speech by anyone in the Presidential race from either party so far. It was right up there with Governor Perry’s courageous blindness to Emperor Social Security’s (designed by Ponzi) new clothes.

But Sarah was much more analytical. Here is the text and video of Governor Palin’s speech.

Ron Paul is the only other honest politician extant, at least as far as economics is concerned. He is way too weak on war-mongering for my taste, not to mention his wacky libertarianism, but you can’t have everything, and Governor Palin looks very healthy.

That’s my ideal ticket. I know it can’t possibly happen, so Perry/Rubio will be fine with me. Or even (shudder) Romney/Huntsman.

The main thing is to get rid of this pathetic clown who had no business running for President in the first place.

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