Why not?

Creativity and self delusion. These are the unique marks of humanity, really just different names for the same thing. Human beings are the only animals capable of imagining things that do not exist. If being created in God’s image means anything, it means this. We are the imaginers.

Creativity is the process of not only imagining things, but actually bringing them into existence via effortful interaction with physical and “virtual” reality. As Steve Jobs is apocryphally reported to have said, “Real artists ship.”

For every million or more imagined things which do not exist, only one is ever “realized”. Only one seed falls on fertile ground.

Believing things that are not true, that’s what we are good at. We can’t help ourselves. Everybody on Earth, I would assert, believes, at the very least, 100 things that are not true, every single day.

Whether it be the multitudinous strange ahistorical “facts” of the world’s major religions and political parties, or the settled certainty/utter fraud of anthropogenic global warming, or the cost-bending virtues of ObamaCare, or the wonderfulness of the planet Pandora. Conjure it up, and somebody will believe it.

We humans are in the God-like Creation business. We are creatin’ fools. “I dream of things that never were, and ask why not,” said Robert Kennedy. So say we all, whether intentionally or not.

We dream. What we dream determines how our children will grow up, what our communities look like, what our own bodies look like, how we will make it, who we will be in the world. What the world will be.

This God-like power also makes us the gullible, brain-washable, easy marks of the animal kingdom. We will believe anything. If a belief in something rewards us in some way, we will do it, reality be damned. If it makes us feel superior or happy or relieved or powerful, we will believe it.

We dream of things that never were, and (if it feels good) ask why not?

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1 Response to Why not?

  1. rico says:

    Wow! You got relidgin’! So, what are we doing here anyway?

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